
Umayyad Palace


The Umayyad Palace is located inside what is known as the Amman Citadel. Locals refer to it as Jabal al-Qal’a, as the site is located on one of Amman’s many hills (jabals in Arabic). Most of the directions in Amman will reference one of the hills in the city.

While most visitors venture to see the Temple of Hercules or the remains of the Hercules statue, just above the temple is the marvelous Umayyad Palace.

The Umayyad Palace gives visitors a glimpse into life during the Umayyad period in what is now Jordan. While largely restored, the palace is a popular photo spot, as both inside and out offer spectacular images.

The site itself is significant because its occupation dates back to the Neolithic age, although its importance declined after the Umayyad period. Today, the palace sees a steady stream of visitors who come for its archaeological significance and the panoramic views of Amman.

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