
Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum

Known as the “Valley of the Moon,” this Jordanian wadi is one of the most amazing desertscapes on Earth.

When we think of the desert we normally imagine endless expanses of sand and dust. But the Wadi Rum desert valley in Jordan, also known as the “Valley of the Moon,” offers so much more. A journey to this ancient landscape is a journey to a vast, silent, and timeless place.

In this arid valley, dug in a superb fashion by the water and the wind over the millennia, there are fabulous and unspoiled landscapes made of high sand dunes, rocky mountains with incredible shapes, narrow canyons with a thousand shades of color, water sources intertwined between the heights, impressive rock arches, 4,000-year-old rock engravings, and many other wonderful treasures.
One of the area’s main attractions is the ruins of the house where, according to legend, T.E. Lawrence aka “Lawrence of Arabia” lived during the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans in the First World War. Another historical site is the inscriptions of Anfaishiyya: Etchings depicting camels, warriors, and animals cover a stretch of the huge rock face, reminding us that these areas have been inhabited for millennia.

Among the many natural wonders, a highlight is the Al-Hasany Dunes, the most spectacular sand dunes of Wadi Rum. Though they occupy a relatively small area, they rise for many feet accumulating against the slopes of the Jebel Umm Ulaydiyya mountain. Another is the Ain Ash-Shallalah, or “Lawrence’s Spring,” a cave in which water gushes from the lush vegetation above, while the inside is adorned with ancient carvings in Arabic and filled with the scent of mint.
Also look out for the Burdah rock bridge, a spectacular 260-foot-high natural bridge that is truly breathtaking. For the bravest travelers, it is also possible to reach the summit.
Wadi Rum is an ideal location for adventurers and off-roaders, with plenty of places to hike, climb, and trek.
True climbers can test their skills by ascending Jordan’s highest mountain, Jabal Rum.

A guide is recommended for the trip to the summit, and arrangements should be made previously at Rum village or at a tourist agency.
Wadi Rum is a spectacularly scenic desert valley (wadi in Arabic) in southern Jordan, or valley of the moon, because of the unique landscape that nearly similar to that on the moon.
This area of Jordan is quite isolated and largely inhospitable to settled life. The only permanent inhabitants are several thousand Bedouin nomads and villagers. There is no real infrastructure, leaving the area quite unspoilt. Apart from the Bedouin goat hair tents, the only structures are a few concrete shops and houses and the fort headquarters of the Desert Patrol Corps.

Visit & Explore Wadi Rum