
Wadi Faynan

Wadi Faynan

Wadi Faynan was one of the biggest copper mines in the Roman Empire.

It lies south of the Dead Sea on the east side of the Wadi Arabah which separates Israel from Jordan.
The main Roman and Byzantine centre at Faynan is a series of ruins known as Khirbet Faynan (Khirbet means ruins) where two of the major streams that rush down from the mountains in the winter join together to form the broad Wadi Faynan. It is a large mound covering an area of about 70,000m², and what survives on the surface are some surprisingly well preserved Byzantine remains. From the Roman period there is also a large reservoir, an aqueduct and a water mill. It was probably the site of the Roman settlement mentioned by Eusebius known as Phaino, and possibly the site known in the Bible as Punon (Numbers 33, 42-3) and documentary evidence shows that the town was the centre of a bishopric in the 5th and 6th centuries.

Wadi Feynan is at the western edge of the Dana Reserve area. The primary destination here is the Feynan Eco-Iodge, an adobe guesthouse powered entirely by solar energy and lit at night primarily by candles. It is located close to the ruins of Khirbet Feynan, the ruins of a community centered around a copper mine. There is evidence of inhabitants in this area during the Neolithic, Iron Age, Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic times. The austere but beautiful surround¬ings, and its emphasis on interaction rather than electronic entertainment, make the eco-Iodge a romantic destination away from the stresses of modern life.

Feynan Eco lodge

Feynan Eco lodge is a 26-room environmentally friendly lodge located at the Southwestern edge of the Dana Biosphere Reserve and off the Dead Sea highway. It is a unique place in Jordan; it is completely off the grid, generating most of its energy needs from the sun, and is lit by candles and stars at night.
Depending on your preference and budget, choose from three room categories all with ensuite bathroom facilities: economy, standard or deluxe. The Lodge has rooms that sleep 2-4 people; comfortably accommodating groups, families, couples and independent travelers.
Feynan Eco lodge is ideal for group getaways and retreats, such as team buildings, corporate meetings and trainings, and yoga and meditation retreats.
Feynan Eco lodge is open year round.

Visit & Explore Wadi Faynan

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