A wide range of leisure and wellness opportunities are available for visitors to Amman. Most of the leading hotels have swimming pools, tennis courts and excellent, fully-equipped and professionally managed spas and fitness centres. Within the city are many private gyms and sports facilities as well as clubs and sports organizations for everything from horseback riding, cycling, and flying to golf, basketball football and running.   Amman also has a large water park, with lots of slides and rides, to keep children and the young at heart cool and entertained for hours. A visit to the Hammam is a good way to discover more about the local culture.

This is an Arabic-style communal bathhouse, highly popular throughout Jordan and the region since Roman times. The baths consist of three main rooms – a Frigidarium, Tepidarium and Calidarium – the cold, warm and hot rooms respectively. This is a totally invigorating experience for both mind and body.

After a long day of visiting Amman’s many attractions, there is no better way to unwind than by visiting one of the luxurious spas found in many of the city’s leading hotels. The spas combine Eastern and Western techniques and offer luxurious body treatments, rejuvenating facials, cleansing scrubs and body wraps, and relaxing massages. The Jordanian people are extremely health-conscious, so it’s hardly surprising that the country’s clinics and medical and research facilities are notable within the region.

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